Autism Evaluation

Autism Evaluation in Nashville
Marcy Webb - Autism Specialist

Our autism evaluation is priced at $2200, and we request a $300 deposit before the first appointment. This is not an additional $300, and it is included in the total cost.

We do offer payment plans, and we recommend you reach out to your insurance to ask about superbills. We will do our best to work with you, and you can reach out with any questions!

An early autism diagnosis has proven the most effective for the best long-term results.

Through a uniquely designed combination of speech, behavior, and occupational therapy, your child will grow to thrive. The diagnosis and the next steps can be overwhelming, but we are here to help you through every part of the process.

If your child has demonstrated behaviors such as avoiding eye contact, having trouble understanding others’ feelings, giving unrelated answers to questions, having difficulty displaying emotions, repeating words and phrases, overreacting unusually to sensory stimuli, harboring obsessive interests, or throwing tantrums over minor changes while rocking, spinning, or flapping, then you have probably been considering testing for autism.

A diagnosis now means providing your child with everything they need to feel comfortable in their environment for the future.

The Autism Evaluation Process

Fill Out an Interest Form
Testing & Observation
Results & Diagnosis

Step One:

Fill out an interest form, and our intake team will reach out to you and explain in more detail the evaluation process.

Step Two:

For the next step in the process, we conduct structured testing and an observation session with the client during a two-hour appointment. If the client is a minor, we meet with the family as well.

Step Three:

Our specialist spends three to four hours analyzing the results and compiling a full report with diagnosis before scheduling a feedback session to discuss results and next steps.

Asking for help can be the most difficult step, and you’re already halfway there.

Schedule an autism evaluation appointment today so you can stop worrying about what doesn’t make sense in life and instead be prepared to meet life with strategies that work.

Want to read more about how we work?

Use the links below to learn more about each of the therapeutic methods (aka modalities) we use: